Blogging and Advertisement

Come to think of it, when you put those two words together, you come up with Blog-vertisement. Now, what does it mean? Well, simply put, if you are a blogger, it means that you are blogging to advertise something for those who are in need of advertisement. And yes, you can get paid for those. All you have to do is build buzz for the advertisers, and they pay you for it.

If you are an advertiser, someone writes something for you then publishes it for all the world to see, which means greater buzz about you, the greater the chances of you having more customers, right? If you'd like to be talked about by bloggers, you can sign up for the site by clicking HERE.

Well, one of these get-paid-to-blog sites is Blogsvertise. So how does Blogsvertise work? This is what they have to say on their main page:

How Blogsvertise Works:

1. We assign tasks to registered members with the internet website address and what to talk about on their blog. The topics/tasks will be simply emailed to you once your account registration is approved.

2. You write up an entry in your blog about the internet advertiser however you want! You can review the site, compliment it, relate to it somehow in your daily life, or even complain about it, and link to the website at least 3 times in your blog/journal entry.

3. In exchange blogsvertise Pays YOU in paypal per blog entry, for writing about the advertisers web site. Payouts are automatically sent to you after your entry is approved and the payout period has passed.

Simple, right? All you have to do is sign up, wait to be approved, like with all the blog-to-profit networks and wait for tasks and get paid. So, even if you are blogging for advertisers, you are still getting paid even if you are complaining about it. Advertisers need the buzz, we bloggers just happen to know how to give it to them.